Saturday, May 7, 2011

Recommended Me Games To Do Let's Plays On!

Now, I have a good PS2 emulator (As evident from my Silent Hill 4 Let's Plays), so if you want to suggest a PS2 or PSX game, go ahead and do it. Also, if you want me to do a Let's Play on any of the games currently on my Steam account, ask me to do it. Feel free to add me on steam as well. 

I'll give RTS games a chance, but they really aren't up my alley. I do not sports games, so boring. (Except for SSX games, those are so fun.)

All my PS2 games so far, some are broken or missing.

Shot me a suggestion in the commment box, and I'll keep putting those Silent Hill 4 Let's Plays up :D


  1. @SamanthaBlues

    Sure! Right after Silent Hill 4 and Minecraft, I'll do God of War, thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Wanna post a link to the emu + game(s)

  3. @James

    I dunno, my sources may be considered illegal. Hit me up on steam, username is korrisel.

  4. @Sean

    Two votes for GoW! Also, what do you all think about Mechwarrior 2?

  5. i agree, sports games are boring
